Display Options

Display Options

The display options allow you to control which information about the generated Pokémon is displayed and how it is styled.


Basic Display Options

  • Generation: Choose to display the game generation of the Pokémon.
  • Region: Select to display the region where the Pokémon appears.
  • Natures: Whether to randomly assign a nature to each generated Pokémon.
  • BackImg: Background image is based on the type of Pokemon’s first slot, to enhance the visual appeal.
    Images of types are shown below.

Images of Types

bugimage of type bug
darkimage of type dark
dragonimage of type dragon
electricimage of type electric
fairyimage of type fairy
fightingimage of type fighting
fireimage of type fire
flyingimage of type flying
ghostimage of type ghost
grassimage of type grass
groundimage of type ground
iceimage of type ice
normalimage of type normal
poisonimage of type poison
psychicimage of type psychic
rockimage of type rock
steelimage of type steel
waterimage of type water

Advanced Display Options

  • BaseColor: Whether to display the background color for the Pokémon, which depends on the color of pokemon.
  • Abilities: Display the abilities of the Pokémon.
  • Sprites: Show sprite images of the Pokémon.
  • Rarity: Whether to display the rarity level of the Pokémon, include Normal, Legendary and Mythical.
  • Types: Display the type(s) of the Pokémon.
  • BaseStats: Show base stats of Pokémon, including HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed.
  • EVs: Display effort values of the Pokémon.
  • IVs: Whether to randomly assign individual values of the Pokémon.
  • Cries: Include the cries (sounds) of the Pokémon.
  • Shiny: Set the probability of generating Shiny Pokémon.
  • Shiny tip: Display a pop-up notification when encountering a shiny Pokémon, allowing for quick access to a list of previously acquired shiny Pokémon.

Display Options Guide

  1. Access Display Options: Enter the display options area on the website.
  2. Select Desired Display Conditions: Choose the basic and advanced options you want to display.
  3. Set Display Preferences: Adjust settings such as base color, abilities, base stats, etc.
  4. Generate Pokémon: Click the “Generate” button to create Pokémon that meet your display preferences.