Filter Options

Filter Options

Our Random Pokémon Generator provides a wide range of filter options to customize your Pokémon generation.

Basic Filter Options

  • Region: Choose the region where the Pokémon appears (e.g., Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, etc.)
  • Type: Filter by Pokémon type, such as Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, etc.
  • Forms: Include different forms of Pokémon, such as Mega Evolutions, Gigantamax forms, and other alternative forms etc.
  • Rarity: Specify the rarity of the Pokémon, such as Normal, Legendary, Mythical, etc.
  • Height: Set the height range of the Pokémon in meters.
  • Weight: Set the weight range of the Pokémon in kilograms.

Advanced Filter Options

  • Generation: Select the game generation from which you want to generate Pokémon (e.g., Generation 1 - Kanto, Generation 2 - Johto, etc.)
  • Color: Filter Pokémon by their primary color (e.g., Red, Blue, Green, etc.)
  • Evolves: Choose the evolution stage of the Pokémon (e.g., unevolved, evolved once, evolved twice)
  • IsBaby: Select whether to include baby Pokémon.
  • GrowthRate: Filter by growth rate, such as Fast, Medium Fast, Medium Slow, Slow, etc.
  • Habitat: Choose the habitat where the Pokémon is typically found, such as Forest, Cave, Grassland, etc.
  • EggGroup: Filter by egg group, such as Monster, Dragon, Fairy, etc.
  • GenderRate: Set the gender ratio of the Pokémon.
  • Shape: Filter by the shape of the Pokémon, such as quadruped, bipedal, winged, etc.
  • DefaultForm: Whether the generated Pokémons are in their default forms.
  • Form Switchable: Whether or Not the Pokémon has multiple forms and can switch between them.
  • HasGenderDifferences: Specify if the Pokémon should have gender differences.
  • BaseStats: Set ranges for base stats including HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed.
  • Effort Value (EV): Filter Pokémon based on their Effort Values, which are hidden stats that determine how much a Pokémon’s base stats will increase when it levels up. You can specify EVs you want the generated Pokémon to have, such as HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed.
  • BaseHappiness: Set the range for base happiness.
  • Base Experience: Set the base experience yield range of the Pokémon.
  • CaptureRate: Set the base capture rate range of the Pokémon, up to 255. The higher the number, the easier the catch.
  • HatchCounter: Set the number of steps required to hatch the Pokémon’s egg.

Filter Options Guide

  1. Access Filter Options: Enter the filter options area on the website.
  2. Select Desired Filters: Choose the basic and advanced options that meet your criteria. To expand advanced options, click the “Reset” button on the top right corner of Filter Options Panel.
  3. Set Filter Conditions: Adjust settings such as generation, type, height, weight, etc.
  4. Generate Pokémon: Click the “Generate” button to create Pokémon that meet your filter criteria.