History View

History View

The Random Pokémon Generator automatically saves the generated Pokémon, up to 64 generations. The actual number of saved Pokémon depends on how many Pokémon you generate each time. The history view allows you to revisit previous generations.

How to Use History View

  1. Locate History Buttons: The buttons for viewing history are above the Pokémon display area.

History Buttons

  1. Navigate History: Click ⏪ Previous to view the previously generated Pokémon and Next ⏩ to move forward in your history.
  2. View Details: See the details of each previously generated Pokémon by navigating through your history.

Important Note on History

History records are only valid within the current open web page and are not saved in the cache. This means if you close and reopen the page, the history will be cleared and start anew. This design consideration ensures the random nature of the tool is preserved and prevents excessive cache usage, which could impact browser performance and user experience.